Sunday, 2 May 2010

Sunday May 2nd - well there is SOMEONE out there

At the time of this campaign starting, I had only used this blog for family nonsense and a bit of fun. In the last three weeks it has become a tool of my campaign. And whilst it is only a few, I have 6 followers. That may increase when the weekend leaflets go out.

It is getting to what they call the "business end" of the campaign, and the battle for votes gets more intense. Well, in some areas. Those people who have had postal votes have voted already, in many cases, so if they have not been telling me porkies on the doorsteps, I have quite a few in the bag already, which is nice.

Out canvassing with Peter Clark yesterday, we picked up on several things which have been common to this campaign. We have met traditional Tory votes who, in many cases because they have lost faith in their MP, are switching sides, and because they don't like Gordon Brown and his Labour Government, are going to vote Liberal Democrat. Actually, I know of one who is going to vote for me but can't bring herself to go "all the way" and vote for Martin Land, so instead, to make her feel she hasn't helped either side in the General Election, she is backing Lord Toby Jug. A number of people are going to vote for me simply because they like me, so I am going to have to work especially hard to prove them right , if I am elected.

I respect those who have voted for someone other than me. I just hope that if I am elected, I'll be judged on who I am, and not where I live or what others have not done in the past.

Today, when you hold down a very busy full time job, and have been working in the evenings and at weekend on the campaign, it is very tempting to think....awwwww look at that rain, I think I will give today a miss. Well, I am going to show that you can work in the rain, and with over 1,000 leaflets to deliver, I shall be out there. And anyone reading this who lives near me, on the Birds Estate, who hasn't met me on the doorstep, but has had a leaflet giving my blog address, if you want me to call round, send me an e-mail to and I'll make a convenient time to pop over. Can't say fairer than that.

Before I sign off this posting, I'd like to draw attention to the leaflets you will be receiving today.

I have listed seven things I will do if elected. Please read them through. But please note the second one on the list. It says:


This is something I think David Cameron is now proposing for MPs. Will local Tories support the idea at District level? You can be sure I will be asking.

Meanwhile, can I say publicly, thanks to everyone who has a board up at their house, or a diamond at their window? There are not very many round here, but the picture at the top of the shows me next to one.

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