I love the picture of Mr Djanogly outside a school, not for the faces on the kids around him, but the bloke in the background looking distinctly bored as he looks in the opposite direction out of a window.
But here's something you should note.
In that same leaflet, Mr Djanogly lists "3 Positive Reasons to Vote for (him)"
Third one being "Jonathan promotes commerce in Huntingdonshire".
It goes on to say that he "......visits locals businesses every month. Being a Shadow Business Minister means Jonathan understands the concerns of companies and the importance between politics and industry" It then notes a link to www.jonathandjanogly.com/business.
So I visited that link.
The page was blank (11.30 pm, Tuesday 20th April) See the screenshot below. However, here's a question for Jonathan. On these weekly visits to local businesses, have you ever spotted any printing companies?
Surely yes?
A cursory Google search and I found 17 at least.
One of them is Lodge Printers, in Upton, within the constituency. Used by the Lib Dems.
Jonathan expresses his local support by getting his leaflet printed in.......Guildford!
Putting the postcode of the TPF Group and Conservative HQ in Huntingdon into AA RoutePlanner tells you that Mr. Djanogly, the man who "understands the concerns of companies", rewards local business by handing work to a company in Conservative MP Anne Milton's constituency!
On his website, Mr. Djanogly states that this is ".....an exciting period for Huntingdonshire, which presents local people and businesses with big challenges, as well as great opportunities"
Unless, of course, you happen to run a printing firm!
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