Thursday, 29 April 2010

Where's Ste been ???

Apologies all, I managed to lock myself out of my Blogger password and in the pressure-cooker atmosphere of the local elections, I managed to keep myself locked out. But it's good to be back.

A lot of people have been asking me about what the issues are that I am fighting this campaign on, so I am going to summarise them below. Before I do, though, I have to say to anyone thinking of getting involved in a campaign like this:

  1. Make sure you have plenty of stamina
  2. Be prepared to expect the unexpected
  3. Don't be afraid of dogs - most won't bite you
  4. Promise nothing you cannot deliver
  5. Be nice to those who are probably not going to vote for you, but even nicer to those who are!
  6. Watch out for letter boxes with brushes in them - it is hard to push single page leaflets through them
  7. Hope for fine weather
  8. Observe the nice things you see and learn from them
  9. Respect your opponents - but disagree with them if you think they are wrong
  10. Get plenty sleep

In the case of number 10, I have failed miserably!

At the time of writing there is less than a week to go now before the polls open. Over the weekend, and because there simply isn't enought time/space to put a full description of what I am about on the last leaflet we deliver, I will post it on this blog, so you can read more, always assuming you want to, of course.

With a few short days of campaigning left, most of The Birds Estate has been covered and the rest will follow. After that, it's a case of filling in the gaps, and persuading more people to support my campaign.

· I will insist that the ludicrous toilet-closure policy is revisited
· I will urge that allowances are cut by 10% immediately, and expenses reviewed
· I will request an immediate assessment of vacant properties to bring them back into usage
· I will fight tooth and nail for the retention of our green spaces, such as Riverside Park
· I will communicate all the year round every year
· I will work to ensure that the town centre is vibrant and a place that people want come to
· I will do what I have always done – I’ll work with vigour and enthusiasm

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