Tuesday, 20 April 2010

What are the issues I am campaigning on?

The statement that politicians hear views "at the doorsteps" is a very true one. I have had, for example, immigration, the guided bus, MPs expenses row, closure of Huntingdon toilets, council tax, jobs in the public sector and Hinchingbrooke Hospital, plus many more, but specifically those. The last one in particular is dear to me. I have twice had brilliant outpatient treatment there, but I shall always have a huge fondness for the place as Ben was born there in 1994. I will pledge, if elected in Huntingdon East, to learn about the issues from all sides, but of one thing I am sure. With much uncertainty surrounding the future of the hospital and how it operates (I mean as a public facility, not as in taking someone's appendix out ;-) I will use every endeavour to keep it in our community, and in the hands of the NHS. I will seek to talk to all, from union reps, cleaners, nurses, office staff....right through to those who by the stroke of a pen on a contract, decide how it will be run.

The situation with toilets in town would be laughable, if it were not happening before our eyes. Money spent on refurbishments, wasted because the loos are locked. I thought the District Councillors wanted to encourage people to visit the town. Seems that idea is 'down the pan'. Lib Dems on the District Council tell me that alternative proposals fell on deaf ears. Ah well, if elected, I will shout down those same ears.

The guided bus. Well, David Cameron is on record so many times of saying how the Conservatives will cut waste. Pity he didn't get the local Conservatives "on message" when they voted through £300,000 worth of "corner cutting" in Hartford. Sadly, Councillor Dutton, pictured in the Hunts Post complaining about the situation, either did nothing, or not enough, to persuade his fellow Conservatives on the council that it was a bad idea. I'll give Jeff credit for at least saying it was a waste of money.
If elected, under the Freedom of Information Act, I shall be asking how many buses per day are using that road, and how much time is saved.

As an accountant, I am looking forward to reviewing the Council's accounts, as from what I am lead to believe, problems lie ahead. I intend to make a start by proposing that ALL Councillors take a 10% cut in expenses and emoluments. It may be a small gesture, but it will help when trying to explain any future cuts which may happen.

Above all, I will bring the same enthusiasm, vigour, drive and fresh approach, locally, that Nick Clegg has brought nationally. Whatever happens on May 6th, you can be sure that in Huntingdon East, Lib Dems will be working for fairness.

People are starting to realise that a vote for the Lib Dems is NOT a wasted vote, and in Huntingdon East, it is a vote for action, not words.

If you ever want to contact me, use ste.greenall@ntlworld.com

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