Wednesday, 21 April 2010

Diamonds and Boards

This board is in the garden of two lovely people, both strong Lib Dems, but who have never had a board before. I had a had a long chat with them on Tuesday. As a result of the board going up, three Greenall Lib Dem diamonds will soon be on display as well in other houses.
The house with the board also has a diamond in the window, and three other houses have taken diamonds tonight. The campaign is going well so far, but there is a long way to go, and lots of houses to knock on.

I had the chance to proof read the latest leaflet which will be printed soon - in Upton, Huntingdon - for weekend delivery. Mr Djanogly has faced criticism for failing to practice what he preaches, and instead of having his leaflets printed in his constituency, instead they are printed 100 miles away in Guildford. I am pleased to say our are printed in Upton. We have a local man, who knows the area well, and uses local business.

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